Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Well, we got all of the invitations mailed out on Tuesday morning! Some of you might already have yours by now. It was such a relief to get those off our hands. Now Tyson thinks he's done with everything until July 22....why do I feel like there are still a million things to get done?! :)

My dress has been in since April, but I'll start dress fittings probably sometime next week or the week after. My bridesmaids' dresses should be arriving soon as well! It looks like everything is coming together and starting to be a little more real. I just can't wait to get that first RSVP in the mail!!!

Goodbye invitations!!

**Check out my previous post! I posted some pictures of the tv! **

Friday, May 21, 2010

50" of Visual Stimulation

We finally ordered a wall mount for our tv! We bought it on recommended if you want to save some money. Our neighbor/friend Josh came over (with his 5 year old son and one of his 3 year old daughters) so help Tyson hang the mount and tv on Tuesday night. It only took about an hour for everything to get up and be hanging straight. The bonus part: it's still hanging and it's now Friday night!!! Tyson and I also moved our couch against the wall so now the living room looks about twice as big as it did before!! I'll post some pictures later of how the "new" living room looks. We're definitely loving this set up SO much better than before.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Food Tasting, Vole Killing, and Strep Throat

After following numerous blogs, we decided that we would create our own. We thought this would be a great way to keep our families up to date on our wedding plans and the days leading up to the BIG DAY.

On Friday, we went to Centennial Oaks and taste tested three different entrees and two different starch items. We also took a tour of where the ceremony will be held outside and what the reception area will look like. Tyson was unable to go when we chose Centennial Oaks as our venue, but trusted my opinion enough that he agreed to it way back in October. I'm pretty sure he's happy with our choice! After answering question after question about the reception and ceremony, we headed back home to do a little golfing. Tyson got his 2nd birdie of the year (and only his 2nd time golfing this year as well)! :) After golfing, we got ice cream and headed home.

On Saturday morning, we were supposed to be going to our third pre-marital counseling session, but I woke up with a fever of 101 and spent the rest of the day in bed. Luckily we were dog sitting for Sophie, my sister and brother in-laws dog, and she kept me company all day. Sunday was spent the same way. Tyson was busy on Sunday though! He mowed the lawn, helped my dad with my car, and even killed 4 voles that have been digging up our lawn all winter long. What a man! ;)

Finally today I went to the doctor and tested positive for strep throat. This is precisely why I needed to start this blog. I needed something to do today without infecting anyone and to keep myself busy!

As far as wedding planning goes, we received our invitations in the mail last week and I had them all addressed the same night! Now we just need to print our invitations inserts and they'll be off in the mail! Look for them soon!