Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 6, 2012


....but have no fear, there is an end in sight!!  We went in for our regular doctor's appointment today.  Dr. Hintz said that I'm at 50% and 3cm.  He stripped my membranes and then we set an induction date for Monday (4/9) at 7:00am.  He did say that stripping my membranes could start contractions tonight around 8:00-9:00pm.  If I'm not feeling anything tonight, then it's just coincidence if I go into labor before Monday. 

On the plus side, Wendy and I were able to get one last picture together.  Sadly, I felt like we were standing really far away from each other, but our bellies are almost touching!!

40weeks 4days/25weeks 3days

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