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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait...

I'll start this story back in January when I started subbing in Waterloo.  I had never been in any school in Waterloo, but once I stepped foot into Edison (the first school where I subbed), I felt right at home.  Everyone was very helpful, and even better, Elizabeth was long-term subbing there too!  After months of subbing, new job openings were posted for the 2010-2011 school year.  I jazzed up my resume, wrote cover letter after cover letter, and applied for almost every job possible.  I even applied for jobs as far away as an hour drive. 

I scored my first interview in Iowa Falls.  Yes, it would have been quite the drive, but I wanted a place to get my feet wet and thought this would be perfect.  Strike 1: didn't get the job.  I figured it was for the best, with it being an hour away from Cedar Falls.

Next came an interview at Poyner in Evansdale, a last minute interview at Cunningham, and then another last minute interview at Orange.  (When I say last minute, I mean I got called to interview the same day that I went to the interview.)  Well, none of those worked out.  I was starting to doubt myself and this career.  I started my long-term subbing job at Cunningham for my friend Robin and it couldn't have been a better experience.  It was exactly what I needed to remind myself that this is exactly what I am supposed to be doing.

Then, after my 6 weeks were up, I got a phone call from the principal at Edison!  She was asking me to come in and interview for a recent 3rd grade position.  I got called Thursday, the interview was Tuesday, and then I had to wait until at least Monday (yesterday) to find out if I got it.  So...I waited and waited and waited.  Monday morning came and went and I was feeling hopeless.  Then my friend Elizabeth sent me a text message telling me that the principal had sent in a recommendation for hire!!!  I finally just got called from Human Resources about 30 minutes ago to offer me the job!!

So...I am now the newest 3rd grade teacher at Edison Elementary in Waterloo!!  I will do some observing next week, then sit through two days of conferences, and officially start on Monday, November 8th.  Elizabeth and I decided that it was just fate and I was meant to end up at Edison! :) :)  I am soooo pumped!!!

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