Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

29 weeks

Well, now that I'm a couple weeks into the 3rd trimester, I'm noticing that some of the early signs of pregnancy are coming back.  I feel like I'm running to the bathroom all of the time again, only this time it's because baby's head is (apparently) pushing right on my bladder.  I'm also feeling tired again, although nothing beats the tiredness that I was feeling in the 1st trimester!

I'm still feeling a lot of kicks and jabs.  They are getting stronger and more frequent every day.  I read that I should be counting those kicks twice a day to make sure that baby is having at least 10 movements in an hour.  I've tried to do it a few times, but always forget to keep counting. :)  I think we're okay though.

This week baby is the size of a butternut squash (still about 17in & 3lbs)!  There is a lot of brain development going on this week as well.  Also, the baby's bone marrow has taken over the production of red blood cells.  Another change this week is that baby is starting to "shed" the soft, downy hair that is covering his/her body.

I am still feeling great, besides the back pain I've been getting at night.  The only thing that makes it feel better is to lie down, sitting doesn't help.  Bending over is also getting more and more difficult.  I had to have my dad pull my boots off when we were at their house on Thursday!!

 If you look back at week 20 (I think), I am wearing the same shirt.  It fits a little differently now! :)

I have the dreaded glucose test on Thursday.  Wish me luck!  I've always loved sugar and maybe even more now that I'm pregnant. I'll post the results this weekend....

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